How to Record Your Screen on a Mac
Photo credit If you've watched any of my techy videos, you might be curious as to how to record your screen on a Mac, and what software I use. This week's video goes a little meta because I show you…Make 6 figures? The Key to Making Six Figures Running Your Own Business Online
Do you want to make 6 figures? Did you get into business thinking that you would be able to reach the six-figure mark in your first year and go on your merry way? If you're not quite at the six…How to Write Faster using Speech Technology
Photo credit If you're a blogger you might have looked for tips on how to write faster and save time writing blog posts. After all, the faster you can write the more prolific of a writer you will be. I…How to Share Files Between Computers
Do you have more than one device or machine, and just want to share files between computers in a seamless way? Great! Because this free program I'm about to share is the easiest way I know of to sync files…Rediscovering the stylish geek girl within?
Photo credit This post isn't necessarily about business or technology, but it's something I think really relates to women in technology. After reading this great piece by Justine Musk on changing the game, and having a conversation about the topic…Wordpress Front Page Tutorial for a Static Welcome Page
Photo credit When you set up your blog on Wordpress you probably went with the default, but did you know you can change the Wordpress front page to be a static welcome page? It's really easy, and depending on your…Creating Influence With Your Content – How to Use What You’ve Got to Get Where You Want to Go
Photo credit You might not realize it yet, but creating influence is not only possible but it's essential to your online business success. The definition of influence is: "The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior…Swipe Files to Idea Gardens: Evernote Review
If you've ever experienced the ups and downs of your creativity, I'm about to show you how a simple tool can turn swipe files and idea gardens into your new best friend. You know you get tons of ideas when…Business Ease – when did easy become a bad thing?
Photo credit Do you live with a sense of daily business ease? Or have you ever thought about a solution to a business problem and then said: Oh, that's too easy. When did easy pick up a bad connotation? That's…Get Links – The Online Currency Most People Don’t Talk About
Photo credit Did you know there's a hush hush online currency that very few people talk about - that those in the know spend hours or dollars on, and all to get links back to their web site. Web links…
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