How to Start a Facebook Page for Your Business
Photo Credit Let's face it, learning how to start a Facebook page might seem like a mysterious process, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, once you know where to create the page, you'll be adding a powerful source…What are domains & web servers, and why you need both.
Photo credit If you've ever wondered "what are domains" and "how are they different from web servers", then this post is for you! It is my strong belief that the more we can understand technology, the better we'll be able…How to Stop Hackers from Getting into Your Wordpress Site
Hackers. They're real, and they're not always as hot as Angelina Jolie was in the Hackers movie. Coincidentally, I happen to have an autographed copy of the movie Hackers. I met Angelina Jolie back in 2003 when she was filming…Blog For Profit? Why This 50 Year Old Technology is the Hidden Profit Center of Your Blog
It's the middle of the month of May, and you've got a blog for profit. You're staring at your computer screen, and you still haven't figured out how to make this whole blogging thing profitable. I've got you covered though,…Wordpress SEO: How to Add SEO to Any Wordpress Site
They say "seek and ye shall find"... But that's only true for your potential clients when your site is set up to be findable. That's where Wordpress SEO come in. If you're not optimizing your wordpress site for search engines,…Why Being Back in Square One in Your Business is a Good Thing, Even If You’ve Been in Business for Years
Photo credit The setting is a dark corner in a coffee shop, in a city, mid-winter. The aroma of mint tea fills the air, and the group gathered around the table consists of five female innerpreneurs. The conversation steers into…It’s time to get techy with your business!
Technology advice... Yes, I have a lot to say about running an online business and trying to tame the technology that can get you there. Instead of boring you with all that, I'll just let this video do the talking.…Business Ideas Worth Stealing: How to Test Your Business Ideas
Photo Credit Have you ever had business ideas worth stealing? How do you know an idea is really good? If it's worth stealing, naturally. Since starting The Raw Foods Witch I've had my share of ideas worth stealing... I've seen…How to Name a Business or Blog in the Digital Age
How to name a business: Google, zazzle, groupon, bing, squidoo, yahoo, flickr... what's in a name? Photo credit If you've been pondering how to name a business or blog for awhile, you're not alone. When it comes time to set…Three Lessons I Learned from a Taxi Driver on How to Get Clients
Photo credit I have a question to ask you today... Are you operating your business as if you were a taxi driver, driving around hoping to find someone to take for a ride? If thinking about this makes you feel…
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