My Word for 2011: Best
At the beginning of 2010 I stumbled across a simple but life changing concept. Choosing one word to guide your year, instead of making new year's resolutions. I got the idea through Christine Kane's word of the year discovery tool.…How to Let Go, Turn Your Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy, and Finally Make Your Ideas Reality
Photo credit This is the article I wish I had read when I was a kid thinking I was full of "business potential". My friend Erica's article about how to make money on the internet inspired me to put my…Is Your Current Business Lifestyle Sustainable?
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend Marie Forleo's Rich, Happy, and Hot Live event in New York City. It was held at the Urban Zen Foundation, where we danced, ate yummy raw chocolate, and drank copious…How to Get Out of Your Head and Write Already
This is a guest post by Ali Luke. Ever sat for ages staring at a blank screen? Ever had an idea that got stuck in your head and wouldn't turn into words? Yeah, me too. Writing isn't always easy. Sure,…Video Marketing: How to Use Video to Market Your Business Online
Photo Credit One of the first things I remember from my childhood is standing in front of the home video camera my father bought to chronicle our family life (there's no way I was thinking about video marketing back then!).…Art of Non-Conformity Book Review
This is a quick video review of Chris Guillebeau's "Art of Non-Conformity" book. The Video Review The Written Recap First, I need to say that I'm a voracious reader, and for the past 3 years I've been reading upwards of…New Dork + New York = New Nathalie
I feel like fall time is the perfect time for re-invetion. Making lots of changes. Big ones. This is my new site, and as I like to call it the new inner sanctum of the entire operation. (That's a Get…How to Stop Compartmentalizing Yourself
Have you ever felt like you are living a bunch of separate lives? One part of you the is “work” person, the other part of you is the socializer, another part of you is the artist... but how do they…
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