Do you want to make 6 figures? Did you get into business thinking that you would be able to reach the six-figure mark in your first year and go on your merry way?
If you’re not quite at the six figure level yet, do not get discouraged. It’s easy to compare yourself to other people and think that you should be further ahead by now, that you ought to have a six or seven figure business, and that you are a failure if your business is not expanding at warp speed.
All of the people that you see who are “super successful” in their businesses, did not get there overnight. They may be able to make 6 figures or 7 figures today, but it wasn’t always like that.
If you’re constantly looking for answers on how to increase business, or questioning yourself because it feels like you’re back in square one again… you’re reading the right article.
There is no such thing as overnight success. Still, it’s easy to get wrapped up in everyone else’s marketing and think that you are inadequate if you’re not making six figures or more per year.
Watch this quick video & see what I suggest to make 6 figures

Make 6 figures by starting your training business
In 2009 I started my raw food business and although I never grew that business to make 6 figures, it was a success.
It was a success in many ways. It taught me a lot about running my own business, creating a successful blog, how to market, deliver online products, practice Wordpress SEO, and meet all kinds of people who would become mentors, friends, and clients.
The training business is something that I learned from Alexis Martin Neely, at her Money Map to Freedom event here in Toronto.
Alexis explained that in order to be successful business owners we need to practice being in business. Sometimes the first business that we get into is not the business that we truly want to create or run long term, and that’s fine.
People who are making 6 figures (or more) & who started off in another business entirely
Just to prove my point, here are a couple of examples of people who are very successful in their businesses and are making six figures or more, who did not start in the business that they are in currently.
Johnny B. Truant started off writing for magazines and other publications, and his website was all about humor. When he started out he was initially going to create niche web sites, but he discovered a way to create value from what he knew, while being himself and writing about anything.
Marie Forleo started off her coaching business early on, and then took a turn into dancing and choreography, all the while building an e-mail list. When she decided to focus her efforts back onto her online business after having worked with all kinds of cool organizations like Nike, she was able to start Rich, Happy, and Hot with great results.
Derek Halpern started off creating and running niche websites in different industries like entertainment, fashion, and humor, before branching off to create the wildly popular Social Triggers brand.
Laura Roeder started off her first business as a web designer, who later got into a different online business model to provide training to small businesses instead of directly doing design work for them. She grew to make 6 figures and is now into the 7 figure mark.
Glenn Allsopp started off with a DJ web site, then consulting for big companies on social media before putting together ViperChill, and growing one of the most widely read viral marketing websites out there.
Making six figures does not happen overnight
Yes, it is possible to make 6 figures in your business very quickly if you know what you’re doing, and you want it bad enough. The problem is that most of us don’t know what we’re doing when we’re getting started with our online businesses, and that’s perfectly normal.
That’s the benefit of hiring a coach, getting a strategic consultant to help you fine-tune your plans, and getting someone who has been there before to hold your hand and guide you. Making these wise investments into your business will pay off.
Here’s a tough question for you: What’s the point of striving to make 6 figures in your business if you’re not capable of handling a five figure business?
It’s important for us to be capable of handling what we currently have before we can grow to the next stage and make 6 figures.
More money means more responsibility, and if you’re unable to handle your current level of responsibility you will sabotage your growth.
What you’re learning right now will serve you when you’re getting your business ramped up to a whole new level to make 6 figures or 7 figures.
Keep in mind that your business will evolve over time, and whatever you learned running your current business you can take with you. That’s the benefit of getting trained, getting coached, and learning as much as we can about marketing, technology, and mindset. It’s totally transferable.
Key takeaways
- No matter what business you want to eventually be in, you need to start somewhere. So start today, your business will evolve and you will be able to turn your ship around if you need to.
- When you take action right now, the path will appear and you will gain more clarity as you explore and learn.
- Stop comparing yourself to others, and you will grow faster and get more done in a day.
- Be grateful for what you have now, because it’s exactly what that will get you to the next stage in your life and business.
What’s your training business?
Before you go, make sure to grab your free tech-made-simple online business videos.
I’d love to know what your training business was, or if you’re currently in your training business then it let me know in the comments below – I’d love to check it out. If you continue to grow and learn you will make 6 figures, and you will be able to evolve your business into one that helps you shine.