How to Make Wise Investments into Your Online Business

I’ve been at this whole “making money online” thing for a long time. Longer than you might think. In the heyday of the dot com era, I signed up for my first “click to surf” program, where you got paid for every batch of web sites you visited.

I was a teenager, lived in a small town, and had lots of free time. Why not? I was naive and excited about the prospect of making money from the Internet. And so I clicked my butt off, and I visited tons of sites.

Was it a scam? No. I did get a check in the mail. But to be honest it wasn’t the best way to earn some cash, especially when babysitting for one night equaled a few days worth of surfing.

And yet… I was hooked! I loved the idea of being in control of how much money I made, and being able to do it in my PJs was a bonus.

Between that first taste and today I’ve tried all kinds of things.

I’ve bought enough info products, blueprints, systems, marketing training, and multi level schemes to fill a couple of hard drives and then some. Yikes!

The good news? I’m successful today.

Were all of these products and programs what made me successful?

Let me answer that in a second. First I want to share with you the turning point that happened in my business sometime in 2009.

When did I start making money online? When I stopped nickel and diming myself and my business

There are a lot of shiny objets out on the Internet, and a lot of them promise instant cash and easy street businesses.

But here’s the distinction that will shift you out of the slow, painful trial and error phase, and into that purposeful momentum arena.

You can either be aspiring to something, or you can be transforming yourself into something. The former is all about reaching for something you don’t really want to work for. The later is all about putting in the hard work you know deep down you need to get the results you’re after.

Bridget Pilloud explains oh so well here, where she talks about the difference between the aspirational market and the transformational market.

I totally agree with her assessment.

For me that shift took place when I stopped buying the “get rich quick” and “silver bullet” systems. And when I decided to invest in something that I knew would take me outside of my comfort zone, push my buttons, and make me take massive action.

For me that was Laura Roeder’s Creating Fame program, followed by one on one coaching with her. Laura helped me see how much I was spending on my business, every time I bought a new “software to do it all for you” or a new $50 or $200 or $400 program that promised a lot… but didn’t get me to take action.

After my experience with Laura I realized that I can either spend a lot of money on little programs and things that will eat up my time, but not move me forward… or I can invest in something that I know will have the effects I’m looking for.

For you the key to making money online might be…

  • Hiring a pro copywriter to fine tune your sales messages, so you start bringing in more money
  • Hiring a pro web designer (not a VA who just learned Wordpress last week) to give your site the look and feel you want
  • Hiring a successful business coach to give you the straight up truth about your business (not someone who is unable to make ends meet)
  • Buying the specific training you need for a specific problem you have to solve (like getting more clients, more traffic, etc.)
  • Getting some professional photos taken, so your image matches the level of service you bring your clients
  • Working with an intuitive or a healer, to remove some of those old patterns or fears that are holding you back
  • Getting a personal trainer, a nutritional counselor or health coach to help you shed the sluggishness and get moving again.
  • Scheduling some time away from home to attend events, so you can meet like minded people and get advice you wouldn’t find in an info product.

I know. Hearing this sucks. Part of me wishes I could have kept buying those “feel good” programs at $300 or less a pop, and just stayed in my comfort zone.

It takes guts to say no to a good offer that you know is not going to bring you any closer to your goals. Save the money you were going to spend on that cool new Wordpress plugin or widget.

Instead invest it in something worthwhile.

What am I trying to say?

Don’t cheap out.

Don’t buy every program that comes along. Be choosy. Go for the one your gut tells you is going to change your freaking life. Because if that’s what your intuition is telling you, and you listen, and you take action, then it’s going to happen.

I’m proof.

I don’t buy cheapie info products anymore. I want that immersive experience that will take me from point A to point B, no zig zagging or stepping backwards.

Which programs do I recommend for that straight shooter, you gotta put some elbow grease into it, but it will change your life? Rich, Happy, and Hot B-School for one. Laura Roeder’s Creating Fame is another.

Again, a program might not be the solution for you. Maybe it’s time for you to step it up a notch and work privately with a copywriter, designer, business coach, photographer, healer, editor, videographer, etc. But whatever you do, don’t cheap out.

Making investments in you and your business means going for that professional level of service and experience. You don’t want your web site designed by a high school kid, just like you don’t want to be flying in a plane captained by professional clown.

Forest for the trees & all that

It’s easy to be budget conscious and just buy things within a certain price point. But all the years I did that, I was short changing myself.

Sometimes to play a bigger game you need to be willing to invest more in one shot, and make it count. Instead of letting all the other little things fall by the wayside.

Have a great action-taking kind of day!

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling