How to Build Business Philanthropy Into Your Business Model
Business philanthropy is something that I know many women who get into business want to get involved in. I'm the same. I've been dreaming about ways for my business to give back, and I had many ideas along the way.…Business Priorities Practically Guarantee Results
Without business priorities, you're destined to face each day in reactive mode and go to bed wondering why you didn't get anything done. Sound familiar? That's because when you're first starting your business you might be trained more as an…Comparing Yourself? How To Stop and Keep Going
Do you compare yourself to others, and wonder why you even should keep going? Been there, done that. And it's no fun! Comparing Yourself Can Bring You Down My Solutions For Comparing Yourself When you start feeling overwhelmed by jealousy…How to Keep Receipts Digitally
How to keep receipts without pulling your entrepreneurial hair out? That's exactly the subject of today's video post! When it comes to tracking expenses in your business, there's nothing more annoying than trying to organize all your paper receipts. Been…Online Persona: Is It The Real You?
How does your online persona match up to the “real” you? When you meet someone who you’ve watched from afar online… how likely is it that their online persona is really how they are in person? I’ve seen both cases:…Elevator Speech: Is It Working For You?
Do you have a good elevator speech? You know when you meet someone at a cocktail party, networking event, or in the elevator at the publishing house… and you don’t know how to answer the “what do you do” question?…Are you giving away too much free content?
In today’s episode, we’re taking at look at all the great free content you’re putting out on the web… and whether you’re giving away too much. It's a question I get all the time: am I going to go out…Off The Charts Live in NYC Highlights
Photos by Kelley Bruso Photography Now that Off The Charts Live in NYC has wrapped up, I thought it would be a great time to share the highlights and the lessons learned from my first big live event. Off The…Business Increase Strategy: Make Space For Your Business Growth
In today’s episode on business increase strategies, we’re talking about making space for your business to grow. Have you ever had a plant that was in a small container, that seemed to be just scraping by or even going downhill?…Who Is On Your Success Team? And What Is a Mastermind?
Today I have a question to ask you about your Off The Charts Success Team… what the heck is that, you ask? It's my version of a mastermind, but now you might be asking yourself what is a mastermind... I'm…
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