How to keep receipts without pulling your entrepreneurial hair out? That’s exactly the subject of today’s video post!
When it comes to tracking expenses in your business, there’s nothing more annoying than trying to organize all your paper receipts.
Been there, done that.
How To Keep Receipts Neat & Tidy
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The Simple App That Shows You How To Keep Receipts Digitally
Today I want to share with you a really cool app that you can install on your phone or use via your computer to keep track of paper receipts for your business expenses.
When doing taxes for your business, it’s good idea to have your expenses categorized properly and also to have them on hand should you be audited down the line.
Now, I’m not an accountant, and these types of apps don’t replace accountants, you’ll still want to hire someone to help you file taxes, but this tip is going to help you stay organized throughout the year.
What you want to make sure of when choosing an app to keep your receipts, is that it integrates with whatever system they use to your account name or your bookkeeping.
The app I’m showing you today is called Expensify.
What I like about it is that all you have to do is hit new expense, and then take a snapshot of the receipt that you have in front of you.
Next, you enter the amount and the name of the company, and categorize or tag your expense, for easy searching in the future.
From there you’ll be able to take a look at your reports as well at as refer to these receipts when you need to them.
That’s it for today I hope you enjoyed this super quick video about tracking your expenses using Expensify.
Other Ways To Reduce Paper
I’m a huge fan of going paperless in your business, and you might want to check out the other videos that I have about other ways to reduce your use of paper in your virtual office!
If you have any other tips for staying organized, keeping your receipts in line, or ways to streamline your office – share them below!