Off The Charts Live in NYC Highlights

Off the charts live review
Photos by Kelley Bruso Photography

Now that Off The Charts Live in NYC has wrapped up, I thought it would be a great time to share the highlights and the lessons learned from my first big live event.

Off The Charts Live Recap

We had an amazing turnout, and as promised the caliber of women (and 2 men!) attending was Off The Charts. I mean, I’m still getting emails and mentions about the great new friendships that were formed over these two days together.

The speakers were spot on, and each played to their strengths, giving the whole event what many are calling a holistic business feel.

All in all, this event represents two of the best days of my professional life (so far!). I shared some of my best stuff, pushed the envelope and went beyond the tech trainings you might all know me for. And I also got a little daring at the end, with a choreographed dance to a Britney Spears song.

Because that’s what I wanted to create for Off The Charts.

Now onto the things you can learn from my experience…

Off the charts live nathalie

1. To Make Anything Happen, Pick a Date

If I learned anything from putting on my first live event, it’s that nothing really happens until you pick a date and announce it to the world.

Until you have that date in place, your project is just an idea… You can’t bring together the resources you’ll need, or really take confident action because you can’t be sure if things will change.

But once you commit, things really start happening – and fast too! We were able to pull this event together in just 3 months, and while next time I’ll definitely give myself more time to make it happen, I think it worked because we set a date first.

And also as a note to myself and anyone planning a live event: research what other events might be happening at the same time.

During our Off The Charts week-end there was a bike race that made it difficult to get to the event space!

2. You’ll Experience Extreme Highs and Lows

No matter what new endeavor you’re undertaking, the first time is always harder, more time consuming, and more expensive than you thought… But just like Off The Charts was for me, also more fun, motivating, and fulfilling than I could have imagined.

I still remember the days leading up to the event, my internal dialogue was that I never wanted to put on a live event again… and the next day, during the event I was thinking that I wanted to be on stage leading an event every day!

3. Surround Yourself With The Best People

Kelley bruso photography

The bigger the project, the more you’ll need a team to help you execute it. I feel like the people who came together to support Off The Charts Live were total superstars!

Starting early each day with Kaela Dobson in the hair and makeup chair. Having fun with the make-it-happen master Jessica Scheer who helped bring our sponsors together, to Kelley Bruso (pictured above) who captured our special moments on camera… To our video team, Adam Kerchman and Neil Schneck who were on all week-end, to our amazing volunteers led by Rebecca Reser. The incredible Jeannine Yoder, who rocked the testimonial booth, and Mark Unthank who kept the music blazing. Thank you SO much!

The speakers brought so much to the stage, too. From Dr. Sharon Melnick who helped us discover what type of action blocker we are, to Laura Hames Franklin who helped us balance both sides of our brain.

Derek Halpern made us laugh while teaching us how to sell anything, and Elizabeth DiAlto brought home the theme of authenticity in sales. Finally, Nisha Moodley brought everything full circle with her touching story and suggestions for creating more supportive sisterhood in our lives.

At the end of the day, the people you work with become like a family, and it was truly an honor and privilege to work with this team for the first Off The Charts event.

4. Delegation Is Key

Delegation becomes way easier when you physically can’t do it yourself, and this tones your delegation muscles.

I’m a bit of an independent control freak, but doing a live event meant that I couldn’t physically do everything myself. Learning to delegate started to come more easily at the end of the two days.

Now I feel like I’m more capable of translating my in person delegation (ie. make sure that everyone gets an Off The Charts notebook) to my online business (ie. make sure to schedule xyz email).

5. Off The Charts: Our Sponsors


I have to brag and say that we had the best sponsors for Off The Charts Live! Let’s take a quick look at them here:

  1. Shivaloka Soul Jewelry: Donated incredibly soulful jewelry, which I got the pleasure to wear during the event itself! Each of their pieces has an intention and power behind it, and they’re so beautiful, too! Use coupon code OTC13 for a discount.
  2. Shrink Session Workout: Erin Stutland’s incredible confidence-boosting workout that’s good for the soul, the sweat, and the variety, too! I personally use and love these workouts and the mantras that go along.
  3. Kombucha Brooklyn: This tangy drink kept us energized and hydrated during Off The Charts, and brought a little of that Brooklyn energy to our Manhattan event. I’m super grateful to the folks at Kombucha Brooklyn!
  4. Camille Carnevale Jewelry: A girl after my own heart, Camille donated some beautiful pieces of jewelry including her lighter ring and librarian style necklace. Totally fitting!
  5. Mayi Carles: What’s cuter than Mayi Carles’ todo list notepads, or her Life Is Messy Bootcamp? Nothing, that’s what. The winners of her prizes were as excited as we were when we glimpsed these beauties!
  6. Brooklyn Salsa: This super yummy salsa kept the munchies at bay, and we got to sample Brooklyn Salsa’s different flavors that make this brand so addictive! Thank you guys for the flavor infusion!
  7. Tracy Matthews Jewelry: Some lucky ladies in the audience left with a Tracy Matthews piece to take home, and we’re so grateful to Tracy for her incredible designs and generous gifts! Keep rocking it, Tracy!
  8. 305 Fitness: Keeping with the beautiful on the inside and out theme, 305 Fitness showed us that a club and strobe light inspired workout is fun and exciting, too!
  9. Whitney English: The consensus about Whitney’s Strategic Day Designer is that we should be selling these at next year’s Off The Charts event, and I agree!
  10. Kelley Bruso Photography: Kelley is an incredible photographer, and she loves working with entrepreneurial women – so if you’re looking to get photos taken for your website, she’s your gal!

6. Everything will come together beautifully.

Finally, everything really came together like magic in the end, and I couldn’t be more happy or grateful. I can’t wait for the next Off The Charts Live event, and to see and hear what everyone who attended does with what they gained at Off The Charts!

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling