
  • How to Scrub Your Todo List

    Today I have a fun video for you that's all about scrubbing your todo list. What does that mean? It means removing items from your todo list that don't need to be there. Watch this video and see how! Scrub…
  • 10 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Conferences, Even If You’re Shy

    It's that time of the year again... the one where we get all dressed up, hop on a plane, and attend live events and conferences! I'm attending Marie Forleo's sold out Rich, Happy, and Hot Live event in New York…
  • Avoid Costly Mistakes by Knowing When to Buy Your Electronics

    Photo credit If you're reading this, you're likely on some type of electronic device like a computer, a phone, or a tablet. So when do you plan to upgrade your electronics? If you're like me, you don't want to buy…
  • How to Give Yourself Space to Grow

    Today I'm excited to share with you an interview with Anne Samoilov, author of The White Space Solution. Please welcome Anne, and get ready for some life altering wisdom... she's a force of nature and she has a lot to…
  • Education and Entrepreneurship for Girls Around The World

    I'm proud to be participating in The Girl Effect Blogging Campaign. Why Educate Girls? "When a girl in the developing world receives seven or more years of education, she marries four years later and has 2.2 fewer children." When women…
  • How to Collaborate Online

    Photo credit Collaboration is the name of the game, but the question is do we really know how to collaborate online? I always like to look at how things used to be before the advent of the Internet. Back in…
  • The Lean Startup – What Creative Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Startups

    I've recently had the pleasure of reviewing the book The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. It's geared toward start ups, naturally, but there are so many take aways that apply to online business owners, creative entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs... I just…
  • Online Business Models You Need To Know About

    In my previous article about how to monetize a blog, a reader asked me what online business models I suggested instead of advertising. So in today's video I'll be outlining the top 6 online business models that are ideal for…
  • BlogWorld Expo LA Coming Up – Hear Me Speak

    Did you know that there are over 2 blogs created every second of every day? That's a lot of new blogs coming into the blogosphere every single day. So what can you do to make your blog stand out from…
  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Avoid Distractions

    Kitty playing video games Distractions are one of the biggest threats to your online success, and learning how to stop procrastinating could be the missing puzzle piece. I've talked about the obsession with web site stats, and of course there's…

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Photo of Nathalie smiling