How To Add Facebook Comments To Your Wordpress Blog
If you're reading this, chances are that you use social media and have a Facebook account. Did you know that Facebook is on track to have 1 billion users by August of this year? Crazy right? Yes, and crazy good…The Firestarter Sessions and Danielle LaPorte
I've read a lot of self-help books. I remember reading that "you earn money in proportion to how much value you bring to the world" and I nodded, and figured that I understood the concept. But if there's one person…Email Overload – Strategies To Reduce Email Overload
I'm hard-pressed to think of anyone who isn't experiencing email overload on a regular basis (except my grandmother, she still loves getting new emails!). That's why I think it's so important for each of us to take on the task…The $100 Startup – Bootstrapped Startup Success Stories
I love books, and especially business books that are jam packed with inspiration and actionable advice. This is definitely the case with Chris Guillebeau's The $100 Startup, a tome full of bootstrapped startup success stories and lessons learned along the…What Martin Luther King Can Teach You About Getting Raving Fans and More Buyers
You could learn a thing or two from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Not just about tolerance and changing the world, but about improving your business. To wit: People don't want just a solution. They want something to believe in.…Building Your Website Hub For Social Media Marketing
I'm a huge fan of social media marketing, but one of the biggest mistakes I see people make is build their social sites without building their website hub. What do I mean by that? Find out in this week's video...…Pinterest For Business: Is It Worth Your Time?
Pinterest has been making waves in the online marketing world… but the question remains: is Pinterest for business really worth your time as a busy entrepreneur? As you'll remember from its debut here on Nathalie Lussier in the comment section…Words That Sell for Copywriters and Website Copywriting
Tongue-tied? Words aren't flowing? Not sure how to describe your product or service? That's where Words that Sell: More than 6000 Entries to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas comes in. When it comes to website copywriting, it…Screw Business As Usual Book Review
Why did you start you business? Do you operate your business as you've seen others operate theirs, because that's just the way business is done? If so, you're going to love this business book review. Here's my book review of…The Synergist Book Review & Interview with Les McKeown on Managing Virtual Teams
This week we're taking a pause in our list building tips series to talk about something that all businesses need to face at one point or another as they grow: hiring and managing a team. Since I'm still a young…
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