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I’ve been publishing my writing on the web for over 20 years.

These are my personal essays, entrepreneurial experiences, and permaculture insights.

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Photo of Nathalie holding a cup of tea

Latest Posts

  • Building Accountability Into Your Business For Success Video

    There's something powerful about building accountability into your business or personal life... it's what most of the successful people I know use to get the right things done. Even when they are faced with the same distractions in the same 24 hours that everyone else has. Learn how building accountability into your life and business…

  • Multiple Six Figure Income Starts With Relationships

    I'm so excited to bring you an interview with two of our Off The Charts Live speakers from 2014, who built a multiple six figure income business based on the relationships they developed. During their talk, Jadah Sellner and Jen Hansard from shared exactly how their business became successful and the challenges along the…

  • How To Climb The Spiral Staircase To Achieve Your Big Business Dreams

    If you’re reading this, then you most likely have big dreams. Everyone has a different definition of what a “big” dream is… for you that might mean an extra hundred dollars of income per month so you can take a great vacation with your family. Or it might mean building the next million dollar company…

  • Recommended Resources To Make Goal Setting for 2015 Fun, Profitable, and Soulful

    I love this time of year. For me, it’s all about introspection… taking a look at what was amazing about the last year, and what you want to do differently in 2015. Over the week-end, I took some time to tune into what’s really important. What matters, and how I can rise to the occasion…

  • How Much Should You Invest On Advertising?

    A business isn’t a business if you don’t have any clients or customers. So the natural inclination is to start advertising your company in the hopes of "getting some." You might be tempted to start running Facebook Ads, pay for a sponsored spot on your favorite blog, or maybe even... put up a billboard?! So…

  • Intuition in Business: Do You Track Your Greatest Hits?

    Whether you know it or not, you’ve got intuition. Now, you might not recognize it as such but there is a part of you that seems to know when something feels off and when something’s a good idea. Even when it’s not logical to your practical brain. Intuition in Business Sometimes in business we get…

  • How To Plan A Product Launch Timeline

    You have an amazing product or program in the works, and you know it’s time to launch it out into the world! The problem? You’re not sure how much time it’s going to take to launch, and how to fit it into your calendar so it has the best chance of really being a success.…

  • Launch Checklist: What You Need To Do Before You Launch

    I’m not a fan of blueprints and formulas in business, because everyone’s business is different. But there are times when having a checklist to run through is a good idea. Like before you jump out of a plane with your parachute. (That’s what launching can feel like many times!) 7 step launch checklist for your…

  • How To Prepare A TED Style Talk

    You probably know that speaking on stage is a great way to grow your business... and you've probably fantasized about giving your own TED, TEDx, or TED Style talk, too. Maybe you've decided to put off pursuing speaking opportunities because you're not sure how to land speaking opportunities. Or, you're not sure exactly what you'd…

  • Writing Emails That Get Results

    Today I’m going to break down the anatomy of a successful sales email. Once you've built your email list, it's time to start sending out great emails, right? There are tons of different ways to use psychology and copywriting tricks to write emails that convert to sales, but they don’t always feel good. Writing Emails…

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Photo of Nathalie smiling