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I’ve been publishing my writing on the web for over 20 years.

These are my personal essays, entrepreneurial experiences, and permaculture insights.

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Photo of Nathalie holding a cup of tea

Latest Posts

  • Why Being Back in Square One in Your Business is a Good Thing, Even If You’ve Been in Business for Years

    Photo credit The setting is a dark corner in a coffee shop, in a city, mid-winter. The aroma of mint tea fills the air, and the group gathered around the table consists of five female innerpreneurs. The conversation steers into the direction of branding, and explaining what you do in your business to potential clients.…

  • It’s time to get techy with your business!

    Technology advice... Yes, I have a lot to say about running an online business and trying to tame the technology that can get you there. Instead of boring you with all that, I'll just let this video do the talking. Or dancing. The technology advice video that pokes fun at technology If you enjoyed…

  • Business Ideas Worth Stealing: How to Test Your Business Ideas

    Photo Credit Have you ever had business ideas worth stealing? How do you know an idea is really good? If it's worth stealing, naturally. Since starting The Raw Foods Witch I've had my share of ideas worth stealing... I've seen a few "healthy witch" web sites, and although I'm not the genius behind the raw…

  • How to Name a Business or Blog in the Digital Age

    How to name a business: Google, zazzle, groupon, bing, squidoo, yahoo, flickr... what's in a name? Photo credit If you've been pondering how to name a business or blog for awhile, you're not alone. When it comes time to set up a web site for yourself, the unlimited combination of letters can be overwhelming. You…

  • Three Lessons I Learned from a Taxi Driver on How to Get Clients

    Photo credit I have a question to ask you today... Are you operating your business as if you were a taxi driver, driving around hoping to find someone to take for a ride? If thinking about this makes you feel uncomfortable, then keep reading... The view from the sidewalk Have you ever been to New…

  • How to Turn Your Entrepreneurial Ship Around Without Capsizing

    Photo credit You're the captain of your entrepreneurial ship, sailing across the open water looking for your next destination. Maybe you embarked on this entrepreneurial journey thinking that you'd strike land easily, but as it turns out the water is a little rougher than expected and you're not sure you're going in the right direction…

  • How to Ensure Every Action You Take in Your Business Adds Up to More Coin in the Bank

    Photo credit Do you ever feel like you're taking one step forward and two steps back in your online business? You land some exposure, then your web host goes down. Your launch goes well, but your shopping cart freezes your money. There is a lot that can go wrong or make you feel like your…

  • Instant Pick Me Up for Entrepreneurs and Creatives: Why You’re Awesome

    Hey there. Did you find yourself here because you're avoiding doing something that would really move you forward? Maybe you're experiencing a little writer's block. Or you're video shy today. Maybe you're just not sure what your next step should be. Either way, you're not feeling so hot right now. Dissolve the stuck, this is…

  • Words Matter: 3 Rationales for Using Noteworthy Words

    Chris Guillebeau & I signing books... Chris was the one signing, and I had the "monkey stamp" task. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending one of Chris Guillebeau's book tour stops here in Toronto, Canada. It was great to see such a great turn out and to connect with other non-conventional…

  • My Word for 2011: Best

    At the beginning of 2010 I stumbled across a simple but life changing concept. Choosing one word to guide your year, instead of making new year's resolutions. I got the idea through Christine Kane's word of the year discovery tool. What word did I choose to guide 2010? Confidence. What happened in 2010 that proved…

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Photo of Nathalie smiling