Instant Pick Me Up for Entrepreneurs and Creatives: Why You’re Awesome

Hey there. Did you find yourself here because you’re avoiding doing something that would really move you forward?

Maybe you’re experiencing a little writer’s block. Or you’re video shy today. Maybe you’re just not sure what your next step should be. Either way, you’re not feeling so hot right now.

Dissolve the stuck, this is why you’re awesome

Well I’ve got a secret way of dissolving these icky feelings. Actually it’s not really a secret because I’ve been doing it for years, and so have most successful people I know.

My mentor Marie Forleo calls it having a “why I’m hot file“. I call it the why I’m awesome file.

Having a list of positive things to refer to really beats listening to the negative stuff your mind makes up.

Our brains are wired to focus on the bad stuff in order to keep us safe.

  • Rubbernecking on the highway? That’s focusing on the bad and causing slower traffic.
  • Focusing on the fight you had last night instead of the great news you just got? That’s rubbernecking, and it can hurt your business and your art.

Start writing down and keeping track of all the awesome things that happen to you.

These can be comments from strangers who like your hat, a simple “nice move” from your yoga teacher, or a full blown “I love you” testimonial from a raving client.

These can also be twitter comments, blog comments, and anything else digital like invitations to events and the like. Also be sure to include press, personal achievements like running a half-marathon, and so on.

Don’t be stingy on the awesome – you deserve all of it!

Have somewhere to share your wins

Sometimes just sticking a note from your raving clients into a document doesn’t do it justice.

You want to shout it out from the rooftops, tell your mom and dad, or talk your significant other’s ear off.

So what’s the best way to get the most excitement and enthusiasm for your successes? Have a group of friends in a similar position who can share in your successes.

I do this with more than one mastermind group I belong to. It helps to be able to get a hug, a pat on the back, or just a few exclamation marks when you share your successes with other success-minded people.

If you don’t yet have a group to share these types of wins with, why not start one? Reach out to people who seem to be along the same path as you and ask if they’d like to be a part of a shared-wins group with you.

Revisit your list, and get some juice

The next time you’re feeling a little low on motivation or happiness… crack open your awesome file and read through it.

Really allow these happy wins to flow over you, and then tell me you can’t get even a little happier.

The awesome file comes in handy when you’re about to do something that scares you, if you got a bad comment on something, or if you’re just not feeling the motivation.

I’m telling you, sometimes reading your awesome file is going to give you more juice than a powerful veggie juicer.

Nathalie’s recent wins…

It’s been awhile since I updated my file, and I decided that I should share my recent wins with you and inspire you to do the same.

ProBlogger 40 Bloggers to Watch List

At the start of the year ProBlogger published a 40 Bloggers to Watch List, compiled by the lovely Jade Craven. When I saw the new post I read through and nodded at many of the familiar faces I had met at BlogWorld.

Then I saw my photo and name and couldn’t stop smiling for the next few days. Since this post came out I’ve received many emails from people telling me that they’re seeing me all over the Internet, which is a good thing right?

I’m truly honored, and excited to be on this list and I’m working hard to make this blog as worth reading as expected by the mention!

PostRanked #1 on ProBloggers to Watch List

PostRank Ranks NathalieLussier #1 on To Watch List

PostRank analyzed the top 40 bloggers and I came out first in terms of engagement! This was really surprising and humbling to me, since I don’t consider myself to be the most charming of bloggers or anything along those lines.

So this one is a big thank you to you – my readers for engaging with my content. You rock!

Quirky Branding


My Raw Foods Witch brand was highlighted at number four on the Passive Panda 55 ways to earn more list, for branding that matters.

Soul Art TV Interview


I was asked to be one of the creative revolutionaries being interviewed on Soul Art TV. Laura Hollick is a fellow Canadian artist business owner and I just love her energy. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of her project!

BlogWorld and Blogging for Health

My post on how to run a successful blog contest was picked up by the BlogWorld blog and highlighted along with two others.

I’ve also got a guest up at the moment on how technology can help us improve our health and fitness.

Expert in the Passport to Business Freedom


The Passport to Business Freedom was created by my good friend Natalie Sisson, who is known as the suitcase entrepreneur. She runs her business without a headquarters and she’s currently in Buenos Aires.

She interviewed me and 7 other business mavens to give you the tools, tricks, and mindset to create a business that can literally take off in a big way. So go ahead, take a look and see if business freedom is on the horizon for you.

Contributor to Raw Fusion Book

Raw Fusion Books

You know the thing that most people comment on about my approach to raw food? That I’m not pushy when it comes to being 100% raw. That I think there’s room for a little healthy cooked food and that I believe everyone can eat more fresh fruits and veggies no matter where they’re coming from…

That’s exactly what my good friend and recently published author LindaJoy Rose did with her book: Raw Fusion.

In fact, we’re so much on the same page with our theories that she asked me to contribute a chapter to her book.

So if you want a guide to getting started with raw food that doesn’t assume you need to go 100% raw… this is it. Check out the Raw Fusion deal and see if it would make a good gift to yourself or someone you know.

Your Turn!

I’d absolutely LOVE to hear one of your wins! It can be something recent, your most memorable win, or anything that makes you feel awesome right now.

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling