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I’ve been publishing my writing on the web for over 20 years.

These are my personal essays, entrepreneurial experiences, and permaculture insights.

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Photo of Nathalie holding a cup of tea

Latest Posts

  • How to Keep Receipts Digitally

    How to keep receipts without pulling your entrepreneurial hair out? That's exactly the subject of today's video post! When it comes to tracking expenses in your business, there's nothing more annoying than trying to organize all your paper receipts. Been there, done that. How To Keep Receipts Neat & Tidy Want the audio only version…

  • Online Persona: Is It The Real You?

    How does your online persona match up to the “real” you? When you meet someone who you’ve watched from afar online… how likely is it that their online persona is really how they are in person? I’ve seen both cases: people who are exactly how they are online, offline… and people who seem to have…

  • Elevator Speech: Is It Working For You?

    Do you have a good elevator speech? You know when you meet someone at a cocktail party, networking event, or in the elevator at the publishing house… and you don’t know how to answer the “what do you do” question? Yeah, that sucks. So let’s talk about how you can craft a compelling elevator speech…

  • Are you giving away too much free content?

    In today’s episode, we’re taking at look at all the great free content you’re putting out on the web… and whether you’re giving away too much. It's a question I get all the time: am I going to go out of business if I keep giving away all my best ideas, strategies, and advice for…

  • Off The Charts Live in NYC Highlights

    Photos by Kelley Bruso Photography Now that Off The Charts Live in NYC has wrapped up, I thought it would be a great time to share the highlights and the lessons learned from my first big live event. Off The Charts Live Recap We had an amazing turnout, and as promised the caliber of women…

  • Business Increase Strategy: Make Space For Your Business Growth

    In today’s episode on business increase strategies, we’re talking about making space for your business to grow. Have you ever had a plant that was in a small container, that seemed to be just scraping by or even going downhill? But as soon as you moved this plant to a bigger pot, it started to…

  • How To Get More Done In a Day

    This week-end was the inaugural Off The Charts Live conference, and I'm still floating from pulling off my first big live event! As promised, the women (and men!) who attended the event were Off The Charts: smart, supportive, and up to great things in the world. I'm still floored that we were able to put…

  • Effective Email Subject Lines & How To Write Them

    The whole point of expanding your reach and getting more subscribers is to have a relationship with your email list… but you can't have that unless you have effective email subject lines that get people to open and read your emails! Let’s face it, we all have a lot of email to read on a…

  • Hiring For Small Business – What You Need To Do First

    When I first started my online business, I couldn't imagine myself having employees or even contractors working for me. I thought I'd be a solopreneur enjoying the work from home lifestyle forever, but the reality is that having a team of outside contractors can help shortcut your business' growth and save time. And sometimes investing…

  • Business Or Job? What To Do When Your Husband Asks You To Get a Job

    Today I’m talking about a situation that many women entrepreneurs might face in their careers... what to do when your family and spouse question your business, and ask you to consider going back to a day job! If you’re in the startup phase of your business, and you left a corporate job to pursue your…

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Photo of Nathalie smiling