Sales Page Headlines That Work! Does yours?
The best copywriters on the planet know that headlines matter… so much that they routinely spend 50% of their writing time just to craft the perfect headline. You might have experienced a really powerful line of copy that grabbed you…How To Ask For What You Want In Business
Let’s face it: business is all about relationships and connecting with other people. These people are your clients, your peers, and your greatest asset. Think of them as allies. But what if you’re not sure how to connect with the…How To Design a Business Funnel That Works For You
Do you ever wonder how come certain things go out of fashion, and then come back years later? I’m not talking about bellbottom jeans or patterned dresses, today, though. I’m talking about the “business funnel”. It’s really interesting for me…Proof That Accounting Is Sexy
It's tax season, and that means that you're probably looking at your accounting systems (or lack of them). Maybe you're considering whether you should hire a book keeper (yes!) or work with an accountant (double yes!). I thought it would…How To Make Your Goals Happen
If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you have a vision for your business. You’ve made big bold goals. But you’re a little stumped because you don’t quite know how you’ll make it all happen. You might have heard the…How To Design a Membership Site That Sells
I’m a huge fan of lifelong learning. Online courses and membership programs are some of the best ways for us to stay current and learn new things, in business and on the personal front, too. You might have considered running…SEO Basics: Why Search Engine Optimization Is The Feminine Approach To Getting Traffic
Search engine optimization (SEO for short) gets a bad reputation for being ever changing and super complicated. Hmm... sounds like what most men say about women too: ever changing and complicated. So maybe search engine optimization: the practice of optimizing…How To Start The Right Business
Successful businesses are the ones that are consistently there for their customers and clients. Year, after year. Day, after day. Cultivating your staying power is how you STAY in business. No business is guaranteed to be around forever: markets change,…From Failure in Business To Multi-Million Dollar Company
Have you ever thought that failure in business could be a good thing? I've previously shared my take on failed businesses that act as skeletons in our closets... And in this episode of Off The Charts, I had the pleasure…Hey, CEO have you asked yourself lately: Where is my business going?
Have you been so busy growing your business, that you've neglected to ask yourself: Where is my business going? Are you still on track or have you lost track of where you want your business to go? No worries, this…
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