How to Stop Procrastinating and Avoid Distractions

How to stop procrastinating
Kitty playing video games

Distractions are one of the biggest threats to your online success, and learning how to stop procrastinating could be the missing puzzle piece.

I’ve talked about the obsession with web site stats, and of course there’s the need to check email and social media sites on a regular basis too.

One of the principles that I’ve adopted from my Software Engineering days is the idea of context switching. If you’re working on one task, you have a certain set of ideas and resources set up to accomplish it. If you switch to a different task, it will require different tools and a different frame of mind.

The time spent closing down one train of thought and opening up a new one might not seem important, but over time it can add up to large chunks of wasted time.

Part of my approach to teaching you how to stop procrastinating involves a cool little piece of software, but even without it you can achieve a similar result by just using a timer.

Check out this quick video on how to stop procrastination.

How to Stop Procrastinating & Avoid Distractions

The top tools that teach you how to stop procrasting:

For the Mac I recommend you Get Concentrate. There is a 60 hour free trial, which should be enough to give you a taste for building your focus muscles. Then if you enjoy the software it’s worth investing in it. But please don’t spend tons of time checking out different software and deals, since that right there might be procrastination in action.

For the PC I’ve heard good things about Temptation Blocker, which helps you stop distractions and focus too. It’s currently free on their site, so definitely check it out!

The 50 Minute Time Chunks

As much as I can, I try to work in 50 minute time chunks. It’s not the most natural way to work, since my mind tries to jump to other tasks, but with a timer going it’s easy to remind myself I can get to another task later.

If 50 minutes is too much, you can build your focus muscles over time by working up to it. Start with 20 minutes and then gradually increase the amount of time you don’t get distracted by things like checking email or social media sites.

How to stop procrastinating once and for all

The other piece of the procrastination puzzle is to only put things on your todo list that matter. If there’s a project you have guilt around doing because you owe someone a favor, or if you say yes to a task that you know is a bad idea… it is time to clear those off.

Go back and feel through your todo list and reaffirm why you want to do each thing. If you’re procrastinating on something like studying for an exam, think about what you’ll gain by acing the class.

If you’re procrastinating on a project that’s near and dear to your heart, but you keep doing surface work instead… it’s time to recommit to yourself and reclaim your ownership of this creative side of you.

Finally, if there’s a project or todo item that comes across your desk that doesn’t sound like a good fit… say no! Don’t add it to your list.

Your turn!

Be sure to grab your free get techy with it videos, so you can get your online business off on the right foot.

Leave a comment below if you found this video useful, and let me know if you have any tricks or ideas for how to stop procrastinating!

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I’m the founder of a tech startup called AccessAlly, a powerful course and membership platform for coaching industry leaders.

I’m also the creator of the free 30 Day List Building Challenge:

Logo for 30 Day List Building Challenge

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

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