Stuff I Think You Should Check Out & A Recommendation

Nathalie with her parents in her hometown before attending a wedding

The photo above was taken recently when I went to visit my family and attend a wedding in my hometown. You can probably see the glow I’ve got going on, and it’s only in part due to eating lots of locally grown lettuce and veggies from the garden.

The other part of that glow is from being unplugged. I spent five days totally offline, not checking email, Twitter, or Facebook. In my quest to be my best self this year, I knew that taking time to recharge was necessary.

As someone who naturally gravitates toward technology, I experienced some major withdrawal from my usual connectedness. But it felt amazing once I got into the groove, and if you haven’t taken time for yourself yet this year I highly recommend that you unplug for a week in August.

Since I got back I’ve had a backlog of awesome things to share with you, so here they all are in one juicy post.

Stuff I think you should check out now:

My friend Andy Hayes shows us some new techy tricks for Youtube. This post shows us how to fix YouTube videos so that they don’t pop over your popups. Very useful stuff!

Jonathan Fields brings us a touching video about Uncertainty, and in the process has us waiting with bated breath for his next book.

My good friend Amy Porterfield is being interviewed as part of Brazen University’s “How to Create and Implement a Winning Social Media Strategy” program. I think this is an awesome program for anyone who does social media as part of their job, who would like to, or who runs a business – and by default is in charge of social media.

I’m attending Rich, Happy, and Hot Live – if you want to meet a ton of successful, passionate, and go-getter women then this is the place to be in October.

The lovely Leonie Allan reminds us that the world is good, and that life is pretty much the best thing ever. YES!

Yummy headers and eye candy created by Reese. So you can feed your soul and make your web site pretty at the same time!

Ashley Sinclair tells us that Clarity Isn’t Found, It’s Created. I couldn’t agree with that statement more if it were written in green with sparkles on top.

The lovely Jess Webb shares her Facebook-knowhow to help you create new tabs on your Facebook page, and she’s doing it generously… with a Pay What You Can payment plan for the rest of August, check it out.

Abby Kerr talks about personality brands versus business brands. Branding makes me hot, so of course this video is a must watch.

Did you know it’s entirely possible? Marissa Bracke reminds us that it is, and I think her message is spot on, and a great reminder for you if you’ve been trying to implement a lot of advice you hear online.

I’ve been tuning in to a fun new online show, called the Whole Truth About Love and Money and hosted by Alexis Martin Neely and Craig Filek. This show is so different from any that I’ve seen online, and I think you should check it out – it’s live every Tuesday and runs for four hours, so you have plenty of opportunities to check it out.

Take time for you.

Sending you lots of time to check out these resources, and to rest and rejuvenate.

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling