If you’re reading this post it’s probably because you’re wondering what the Marie Forleo B-School Curriculum consists of, and I’m happy to answer your “what’s inside B-School” questions here!
As a past B-School student and prior contributor in the program, I can say with confidence that B-School’s core modules and bonus tutorials are a great foundation for any type of online business.
The best part is that no matter what business you plan to start today, you’ll be able to apply the 6 pillars of successful online marketing to any new venture you undertake. You can also find out how the course personally helped me build a successful business, by reading my story and in-depth Marie Forleo B-School review here.
So let’s dive into the Marie Forleo B-School Curriculum, shall we?
Marie Forleo’s B-School Curriculum
In order to understand why B-School includes the training that it does, we need to take a look at the origin story of B-School. One of the things that inspired Marie Forleo and Laura Roeder to create this program, was that there were legions of women (and men) who had great ideas and products… but who had resistance to marketing and selling, and coming across as salesy or pushy.
The way the B-School curriculum is organized, it takes you through the steps of starting from a place of compassion for your potential customers, and crafting the most win-win marketing communications possible.

Start The Right Business: While this module is not part of the official “core 6 pillars of B-School”, it’s one of the most useful parts of the program if you’re not sure what business you want to pursue. Sometimes you go into a program like B-School with one business idea, and after going through this Start The Right Business workbook, you realize that you’re actually better suited to start a different kind of business.
This is so key, because you get immediate access to this module when you sign up for the program, and it sets you up to get the most benefits out of the rest of the course!
The Follow-Through Formula: Ever bought a book or attended a workshop that you didn’t take action on? I’ve definitely read my share of business or productivity books that I loved… but that ended up collecting dust on my “todo list” and never got implemented.
Well Marie Forleo and her team want to make sure that your investment in B-School pays off, by making sure that you implement everything you learn. This super simple and actionable “pre-module” in B-School helps you break down everything you’ll learn into actionable bite-sized tasks that you’ll actually do, so you’re practically guaranteeing you’ll see a return on investment in your business.
Module 1: Profit Plan
This is often called the most difficult part of Marie Forleo’s B-School, but that’s because it contains the most powerful exercises you can do in your business, to make sure that you make it a profitable one.
Every year I go back through this module and fill out the Fun Sheets, because no matter how long you’ve been in business, you can always gain more clarity about your ideal customer and your business model. The exercises in this module are worth the price of admission on their own, but they’re only powerful if you actually take the time to fill out the Fun Sheets and implement changes based on the discoveries you make.
Module 2: Websites
Want a website that sells and doesn’t suck? Marie’s got you covered, and there are technical training videos that show you step by step how to implement the techniques that we recommend.
This module is for you if you want to get a clearer understanding of what your website needs to have in order to be successful online: from opt-ins, to shopping carts, and simple launch sites.
Module 3: Communication
If you’re not communicating with your people, then you’re not building a relationship that could turn into business in the future… and this B-School module talks about the right and the wrong way to communicate with your tribe.
It’s easy to look at how other businesses communicate with their email lists or on social media, but unless you understand the why and the how, it can all fall flat.
There is a big difference between creating ho-hum blog posts, and writing content that turbo-charges sales… and Marie gives you every distinction you need to make outstanding content that gets results for your business bottom line.
Module 4: List Building
As you know, list building is one of my specialties and it’s one of the keys to having a sustainable business online… and in this module Marie explains why and how building her email list is directly responsible for millions of dollars in revenue.
She also shares her experience when it comes to building a list, and building relationships with influencers who can help you grow your list faster. It’s true that there are some simple “slow and steady” ways to grow your list, and that there are list building accelerators like connecting into someone else’s already established audience. Marie has done this time and again, and shares the classy way to building relationships with people who can help you grow your list.
Module 5: Offerings
There are some key secrets to selling loads of anything, and in this module Marie Forleo dishes the details. Designing products and services that people love is an art, and one that you can learn through this module… in fact, it’s probably the most important piece of the sales process because if you don’t have something that people want to buy, it doesn’t matter how great you are at marketing it.
Marie and her team are professionals when it comes to delivering a top notch customer experience, and in this module you’ll learn the skills to deliver on your promises easily and smoothly. You’ll also go through the 7 step checklist to high converting offers, so you never end up with a “flop” on your hands.
Module 6: Marketing
Ahh… this is the big one! The reason why B-School exists in the first place: to help you market yourself and your business successfully online like a true heart centered and classy business person. If you don’t like marketing or consider yourself to be an expert in your field who doesn’t need to worry about all this marketing mumbo jumbo, you’ll get a beautiful and profitable wake up call during this module.
Plus, you’ll go through the Copywriting 101 module to learn how to craft copy that converts and write non-douchey sales letters that you can be proud of. In this last core module of B-School you’ll also learn about the psychology of pricing and presenting the price of your product without putting people off.
Additional B-School Bonuses and Training
But wait, there’s more!
Marketing For Product Based Businesses: I get asked a lot about Marie Forleo’s B-School curriculum, and whether it applies to people who aren’t coaches, service professionals, or information product creators… and the answer is that B-School now includes a whole training for physical product businesses. So that means that you can apply the principles of B-School whether you sell a skincare line, handmade crafts, clothing, or anything else you can dream up!
Getting Started With WordPress, Squarespace & Shopify: This extensive training, will have you up and running with your own professional, easy-to-update website in no time!
All About Opt-Ins and Hyper Speed List Building: Get the inside track on how to set up your optins the right way. Sometimes the tech can be overwhelming but this training was designed to take all of the guesswork out of the process for you!
You’ll also discover an inexpensive strategy to grow your list two to three times faster than before!
Social Media Training: Not sure how to make the most of the time you spend on social media? Does it ever feel like there are too many platforms, and not enough time or clear strategy for growing your brand online? Well in this tutorial video, you’ll learn from one of the top social media trainers out there, how to make the most of your social media channels… how to craft the ideal strategy for your business (whether that’s more involved or hands off).
Media and PR Superstar Training: Getting into the press is a great way to gain exposure for your brand, and it’s not as hard as it might seem, after you watch this step by step training. You’ll learn how to pitch your story and business to the media, and get a sweet cheat sheet with a list of media outlets that are just waiting to interview you and feature you.
How To Get Killer Testimonials: It can be hard to do business on the web, because people are naturally skeptical of people and companies that they can’t visit in person. One surefire way to overcome this resistance is to have plenty of real life case studies and testimonials, that prove that you’re a legitimate business owner who delivers on her promises. But how do you get your customers and clients to take time out of their busy lives to write a great testimonial? Marie herself shares her winning system for getting testimonials.
SEO Basics: You put a lot of time and energy into building your website so you want to ensure it can be found. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make sure your website can be found on Google, learn how to set up your sitemap, research relevant keywords, and understand how to use meta and title tags so your site is optimized from the get-go!
Set Up Your Metrics & Analytics: You’ve done the hard work of getting your site up and running + are starting to put your work out into the world. But, if you’re not tracking you won’t know what’s working and what isn’t. This training will walk you through how to get your analytics set up and hone in on the metrics that you should be tracking in your business.
Systems, Teams, and Massive Productivity: If there’s anything else that could take Marie Forleo’s B-School curriculum off the charts, it’s this bonus training all about getting more stuff done by hiring the right people. As I’ve personally continued to expand my team so that we could accomplish more, I’ve gone back to this training many times to refresh my memory on proper systems and team productivity. It’s powerful stuff that will come in handy as your business grows quickly!
How To Grow From Six to Seven Figures: Making the leap from a six figure to seven figure business requires you to also grow and evolve as a business owner. Marie’s sharing the key psychological and behavioral changes she had to make personally to support and take her company + team to new heights.