Marie Forleo B-School Cost & The Evolution Of B-School (A Review)

If you’re reading this post it’s because you want to know what Marie Forleo’s B-School costs. I totally get it, and I’m going to tell you what the price of the program is, along with a quick trip down memory lane and the evolution of B-School over the past few years.

The reason I’m starting with a Marie Forleo B-School review is that I often have clients and readers who look at someone like me or Marie, and compare themselves.

It’s easy to look at someone’s polished website and videos, like the ones from B-School, and say… “Oh, I’ll never be able to get there!” Or worse, to compare yourself and think that it’s not worth starting down this entrepreneurship path because you’re not coming out of the gate super polished.

As you’ll see, Marie and her team have evolved a whole lot over the past few years, and the brand has changed quite a bit too. So it’s totally okay to start with where you are right now, and grow your own brand and business over time!

You should also note that it’s extremely rare to see an online course or program that has had the longevity of Marie Forleo’s B-School… not to mention the success rates of its’ participants.

Year 1 – Laura Roeder and Marie Forleo partner to create the first round of B-School, under the Rich, Happy, and Hot brand umbrella

Marie Forleo B-School Cost

This is the first year of the program, and a few hundred students are enrolled inside B-School. The course is a huge success, and the marketing materials for the launch break all the rules, proving that online marketing is one thing these two women know a lot about.

Year 2 – Laura and Marie repeat the B-School program again, this time with all new marketing materials and dance videos

Marie forleo laura roeder bschool

This second round of the program was a collaboration between both Laura and Marie’s teams, and was the first million dollar launch of B-School. Over a thousand students are enrolled, and the B-School program is quickly gaining momentum! The B-School launch becomes known for having lots of elaborate dance videos, and really adding a lot of fun to the sales process.

The results from year 1 and year 2 grads are pouring in, and these early pioneers are creating their own massively successful businesses left and right.

Year 3 – Marie and Laura part amicably and B-School comes under the Marie Forleo brand

After having two powerhouse women business owners working together with different visions, we see the marketing materials for B-School heading in a new, more serious direction with Marie Forleo taking the helm.

The course content itself is fully re-mastered and new guest teachers are invited into the program. They include Nathalie Lussier at the technical helm (that’s me!), Amy Porterfield talking about social media, Melissa Cassera covering PR, and Derek Halpern talking about conversions.

More B-Schoolers join the program than ever before, and the community inside B-School starts to take on a life of its own… and offers limitless opportunities to do business with other like minded entrepreneurs.

The Marie Forleo B-School cost and price stays constant throughout the different iterations of the course, and each person who joins gets lifetime access to the program. That means those who joined in year 1 and 2 have been going through the updated materials each year, and getting ahead in their businesses faster and more easily with each iteration.

Year 4 – The official Marie Forleo B-School course comes out, dropping associations with the Rich, Happy, and Hot brand

Marie forleo bschool cost

This year, the addition of the Start The Right Business module helps brand new business owners get started inside B-School. This is also the start of the Live Your Dream campaign.

Once again Marie Forleo and her team take their marketing skills to the next level, with a story focused mini-site that showcases all the success stories of past B-School graduates. The level of sophistication and large-scale organization required to pull off such a heart-felt human-focused marketing campaign is bar none.


I’m honored to be included as one of the Live Your Dream stories, along with my location independent digital strategy multi-six-figure business.

Marieforleo bschool

Year 5 – 2014 Marie Forleo’s B-School cost stays the same, and the program takes on a new more in-depth marketing feel that appeals to both men and women

Although men were always welcome inside the B-School program, this year the marketing materials are fully gender-neutral, and more success stories from the XY chromosomes side of the fence are included.

There’s also a brand new guide for physical product businesses, designed to help those who want to market their goods online even if they don’t have a service or digital product based business.

The bottom line? Each year, Marie Forleo B-School gets even better than the last. From the content inside the course, the community support that only gets better from year to year, and the ongoing additions for different types of business owners… it’s an incredible program, and enrollment is only open once per year.

2016 marie forleo bschool review

Year 6 – 2015 Marie Forleo’s B-School Videos Take Center Stage

This year Marie and the team focused a lot more on video… specifically more “real world” video. You’ll see more videos of Marie with her partner Josh and dog Kuma, along with more video testimonials from B-School graduates.

Forleo b school pricing

Year 7 – 2016 Marie Forleo’s B-School Members Area Gets a Makeover

Every year, Marie Forleo’s B-School gets better! And this year was no exception, with a brand new members area with an improved user experience, new content, and so much more. As you can see, the brand continues to evolve too!

Marie forleo b school payment plans

Year 8 – 2017 Marie Forleo’s B-School Program Review

As we look back over the years, it’s clear that the team and Marie herself have continued to evolve and get better at delivering life changing training to thousands of students all over the world.

Now as part of B-School, there are mentor coaches that are there to help participants get the most out of the program and get answers to their specific questions. Marie and team have really pulled out all the stops to entrepreneurial success!

2019 bschool price

Year 9 – More Accessible Than Ever Before

Evolution of bschool

In year nine, B-School really honed in on getting students results by having even more people mentored by tutors inside of the program. This allowed even more people to get the feedback and their questions answered to help them move forward in a confident and profitable direction.

The members only interface continued to get refined, and with new ways to track your progress and keep yourself moving forward throughout the 8 weeks of the program, it keeps on getting better.

Year 10 – Celebrating B-School’s 10th Anniversary!

If you’re curious about how B-School has personally helped me and my business you can read my story and my full Marie Forleo B-School review here. Marie and her team are really outdoing themselves this year to bring you even more value and great ways to get momentum in your business.

Marie is hosting 3 Live Webinars titled, The 5 Biggest Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Make and How To Avoid Them, jam-packed with practical strategies for you to take action on right away.

Now the big question on your mind is still going to be what’s the price of Marie Forleo’s B-School program? And I want to make sure that you understand the value of the course itself, the invaluable community and built-in marketplace, and access to Marie Forleo’s know-how are all worth thousands of dollars more than the price of the course.

So here it is, the Marie Forleo B-School price to enroll is $1999. And it’s worth every penny, I know because I’ve invested upwards of $50,000 in my marketing education and $1999 is way more affordable than getting an MBA or a college degree that’s not kept up to date with the changes in the online marketing landscape.

You can either pay in full for $1999 or choose the extended payment plan at $199 per month. If you choose the payment plan, your payments will be automatically charged on the same date of the month every month. Again, they do not have any special payment plans outside of what is offered.

I understand that B-school is an investment, and that it’s a big step to take on a course like this.

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling