One of the difficult aspects of running a business online is the need to put yourself out there. For people to see. For people to interact with.
What I’ve learned in the past few years about my own visibility issues is this: there’s the everyday activities that you’re comfortable doing, and those lead to regular results.
To go off the charts with your business, you need to get outside of your comfort zone. That’s where the magic happens.
So if you’re hesitating about hitting publish on a daring blog post, getting in front of the video camera, or owning your best self… I’ve got solutions for you!
Visibility and Being Seen

The Key Ingredients to Your Success Online
In my experience, it’s only when the pain of not putting yourself out there overpowers the pain of being visible that things really change.
What that means is that you really need to want to make a big difference in the world and in the lives of your clients and customers… because that’s when you can get over your own visibility issues.
If you struggle with taking actions that leave you exposed to the world at large online, this your new mantra. Repeat after me:
“It’s not about me, it’s about the people I’m serving.” Click to tweet!
When you’re focused on being of service, having fun, and loving what it is that you do… you naturally stay humble, and any weird side effects you might imagine just fade away.
Scared of becoming internet famous and losing touch with the people who matter most to you? Not sure if you can handle the hate mail or other people talking about you behind your back? Not sure what people will think when you really step up and own your incredible gifts?
All of these are valid fears, but if you take a closer look, you’ll see that they’re just internal blocks that are designed to keep you safe. You can’t know what will happen after you hit publish on a blog post that’s close to your heart. You might get strong reactions, or no reactions at all.
What happens on the outside isn’t nearly as important as what happens on the inside, it’s how you deal with it that matters.
The key is to take it one baby step at a time. You don’t need to publish the most controversial post in the world on the biggest blog on your first day. But you should start publishing regularly… then watch and see how your muscles for dealing with what comes your way improve!
Oh, and by the way… you train people how to treat you. If you don’t accept haters and bad comments, you won’t get them!
What’s the key to being seen?
The key to allowing yourself to be seen online and off, is vulnerability. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead” book. Trust me, you’ll thank me later!
Vulnerability is endearing, it makes you stronger, and it reminds us that we’re all human beings.
Over to you now…
I want to know what things you’ve felt resistance to when it comes to being visible online.
Or, leave a comment and let us know of an experience when you put yourself out there and were pleasantly surprised!