How to Look Good in Pictures for Your Website


Today we’re talking about how to look good in pictures for your website.

One of the advantages of having a personal brand is that people can connect with you as a person. But it can be tough to convey who you are in a split second that it takes someone to land on your website.

That’s why I believe that the photos you have on your website really impact your brand.

In fact, if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on web design, you can usually elevate the professionalism of your brand just by having really high quality photos of yourself.

How To Look Good in Pictures

YouTube video

The 7 Steps to Looking Good In Videos and Photos

I used to look at the book jacket photos of my favorite authors and aim for that level of professional. But as the online world continues to evolve and creative entrepreneurs up their game, I’ve found that your photos can’t be a run of the mill shot of you in a nice sweater anymore.

You need to put a little bit of creativity in your website’s photos. And if you have a small budget, I recommend saving up to hire a professional photographer to take your snapshots, it will pay off, I promise.

So here are my tips for looking good in pictures for your website:

1. Think about what emotions you want to convey. If you’re a coach who helps people get healthy, you need to make people feel comfortable talking about their health issues with you. If you’re an attorney, then you might need to present a more professional look depending on who your ideal clients are.

But that doesn’t mean that you need to be buttoned up…

2. Have fun and show your personality. What makes you, you? What is unique about how you work, where you live, or what you bring to the table?

I’ve got the rockstar librarian look going on in my photos because I think reading is sexy. And I love the idea of having other people who are passionate about learning coming together on my site.

Maybe you’re an outdoor person, or you love music… how can you visually bring these elements into your brand?

3. If you’re not sure what to wear, work with a stylist. Style is not one of my natural gifts: I’d rather have a well-stocked bookshelf than a well-stocked closet… so I leave it to the pros to help me figure out what to wear in a photo shoot.

4. If you really want your photos to pop, get your hair and makeup done professionally. For your features to show up properly on camera you need a little more makeup than you’re used to putting on yourself. Again, this might feel uncomfortable and outside of your comfort zone but you’ll be glad you invested into this asset for your brand and business.

5. Remember perspective: what is closest to the camera will appear bigger. Your photographer will give you hints for how to pose, and I’ve found that you get the best photos when you’re having fun! No pressure, just be yourself.

6. Remind yourself during your photo shoot that you’re gorgeous from the inside out. Let people see your inner light, and think about all the amazing connections that are happening through your presence in these photos right now.

7. What’s your tip? I know we have a lot of photographers in the house, so please leave a comment below with anything else you can suggest for people who are getting photos done for their website.

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I’m the founder of a tech startup called AccessAlly, a powerful course and membership platform for coaching industry leaders.

I’m also the creator of the free 30 Day List Building Challenge:

Logo for 30 Day List Building Challenge

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

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