What if it were possible to stop chasing after business, and instead new business deals and clients started coming to you?

Creating Fame Video with Laura Roeder
That’s exactly what Laura Roeder’s Creating Fame program can do for you and your business.
Laura often jokes that people tell her they don’t want to be famous, they don’t want the paparazzi after them, and they just want their business to be successful.
She usually laughs and says that for most of us, there is a part of us that wants to become famous. But that more importantly, creating business fame is crucial to you having a successful business that’s sustainable long-term.
Creating fame
Let me tell you the story of how Laura Roeder’s Creating Fame program kick started my business back in 2009. I was just starting out in my raw food practice, and I didn’t have a lot of marketing savvy, and no connections.
A part of me knew that Laura understood what it took to become number one in her field, because she had done it for herself so quickly. I was one of the first people to participate in her Creating Fame program, and I’m really glad I did.
Not only did I fine-tune my business offerings, but I really got at the cellular level what I needed to do to have people coming to me.
During the course of creating fame, I got clear on my message, my content strategy, and my outreach.
These might all seem like things that you could figure out on your own, but my strategy has always been to seek out people who have done what you want to do so that you can learn directly from them, and save yourself all that trial and error time.
I like to think of Creating Fame as the program that really kick started my online business, because it put all the pieces in place for me.
Building A Tribe
Laura talks a lot about building a tribe, and that’s exactly what we’ve both done for our businesses. When you’re able to clearly explain why you do what you do, how you’re different, and what it is that you can offer, people will knock on your door. And not just anybody, but the right people.
Since taking creating fame in 2009, I’ve taken the updated version in 2010, and I plan to take it again this year in 2011. I find that the more I listen to Laura’s spot-on advice, the more able I am to fine tune my business, and increase my “fame”.
So as you can see, creating fame isn’t just for people starting a business from scratch. If you’ve been in business for a while, and you are just getting sick of trying to market and get business to come to you, then creating fame is definitely your next step.
I’m really grateful to Laura Roeder, and all of the amazing insights that she packed into Creating Fame. Laura is about to open the doors to a live version of Creating Fame, which means that Laura will be sharing with us her freshest insights.
As you know, we’re always evolving as business owners, and I think that creating fame is the type of program that can become the cornerstone of your business’ marketing outreach and tribe building efforts.
It’s designed for anyone who wants the right type of clients to come to them, and it just keeps getting better and better every year.
Definitely check out creating fame, and give it a try. I’m a proud affiliate, and I’d have all my clients and business friends take this course, it’s got so many juicy business-shifting nuggets.
It’s not just about being followed by the paparazzi, it’s about making a difference in the world and being able to reach the people who need you the most.
Oh, and the course does talk about social media… but if you’re looking for really step by step “how to use Facebook” or “how to use Twitter” type of advice, then Creating Fame is not for you. This course is taught at a high level, and you’ll want to check out Laura’s other products for the nitty gritty of social media how-to’s.