Are You A Serial Entrepreneur?

Letting GoDo you get bored doing the same old stuff, or have multiple passions as an entrepreneur?

If you’ve realized that you can’t seem to stick to one business idea, market, or business model… you’re not alone, and there’s nothing wrong with you.

You can call it being a serial entrepreneur, a multipassionate entrepreneur, or even an evolutionary entrepreneur. The good news is that it’s more common than you think, and it might even work to your advantage.

Benefits of Being a Serial Entrepreneur

My itch to evolve

I learned this through experience, and it was lovingly reflected back to me through my husband as he watched me go from business idea to business idea.

“You seem to have about an 18 month limit to doing the same thing in your business,” he said.

He was right. Looking back at The Raw Foods Witch, I was solidly focused on getting the site and business up and running for 18 months… and then I started to get the itch to start Nathalie Lussier Media Inc., when people were asking me for more tech and web focused content.

So while I kept the site up and running, I shifted my focus.

During the first 18 months of this new business, I was primarily building a web design firm and team. I realized this wasn’t quite the business of my dreams, and I decided to shift into a consulting role, which I did for a few months before entering into new territory again with my first live event, Off The Charts.

At that point my consulting offerings morphed into the Daring Business Cultivator, including retreats and ongoing monthly sessions.

Next, I’ll be working on more writing projects and repeating some of my favorite projects from this year that I care about the most. And after that… who knows!

The good thing is that I have a solid foundation, and having a business branded around my name means that I can shift my business offerings without too much effort.

The art of letting go

None of these shifts and bigger income levels would have been possible if I hadn’t learned the art of letting go.

Learning how to let go of what isn’t working is one of the hardest things you can do, but it’s even more important than adding in the things you want to do more of.

Letting go of parts of your business is the only way your business can move forward.

It makes space for your next thing. You can’t hold onto something else until you let go of what you’re holding on to right now.

Sometimes that takes a leap of faith, especially if your current business or projects are paying the bills. When I stopped doing web design there was a period of time where my income dropped significantly while I got married and moved.

But because I had built a solid foundation, with strong relationships through my email list, I was able to ramp things back up quickly and the same is possible for you.

Taking a leap of faith

So if you’re afraid of feeling flakey for wanting to change your business topic or business model, fear not! When you focus on service first, and building strong relationships with an ever growing audience and email list, you can pivot and bring your people along with you.

In my case, many of my raw food readers became customers and clients of my new business, because they wanted to come along for the journey. So don’t leave people hanging if you plan to shift gears in your business, bring them along on your new adventures!

Over to you now!

Now, I want to know your story! Have you ever switched businesses? Do you have a built-in limit for how long you can spend doing one thing? Leave a comment below, I’m super curious!

Photo of Nathalie smiling

I’m the founder of a tech startup called AccessAlly, a powerful course and membership platform for coaching industry leaders.

I’m also the creator of the free 30 Day List Building Challenge:

Logo for 30 Day List Building Challenge

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

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