What’s In Your Marketing Funnel?

Neil Patel of Quicksprout created a wonderful infographic for How To Build a Social Media Marketing Funnel.
Word-of-mouth marketing is still the best way to get customers and turning customers into advocates is the best way to make the most of word-of-mouth.

Neil Patel's How To Build a Social Media Marketing Funnel

Which social media platform would you say is best for your marketing funnel?

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling