Investing In and Growing a Healthy Business

Growing a Healthy Business

Interested in growing a healthy business? Well this is your lucky day, and it’s exactly what we’re talking about today! I’m so happy to bring you this interview with my friend and culinary nutritionist, Meghan Telpner.

Meghan’s shares the behind-the-scenes of her business and offers great advice on how to invest in your business.

Our Interview On Growing a Healthy Business

YouTube video

Meghan’s Business Evolution

About 4 years ago, due to her own health challenges, Meghan decided to study holistic nutrition. She came out of the program still not knowing how to cook so she started teaching cooking classes to friends. Then she kept on growing the classes and meeting people and as she says “shamelessly promoting” herself and emailing people asking for what she wanted.

While she got a bunch of no’s, 10% of doors were opened and that gave her enough momentum to grow her business and keep her motivated.

Her business outgrew her kitchen and her community was asking for more so Meghan did a test run of an online course to coincide with the publication of her first book.

Things kept evolving and she invested a substantial amount into the next iterations of her offerings to hire producers, get the right equipment and really great people to help her.

The Academy of Culinary Nutrition blossomed out of this increased level of professional production and has grown to include students from 25 different countries. Fantastic!

How to decide what to invest in?

Meghan explains that it’s all been through a step-by-step evolution where she built and grew as she could afford to so that it was natural and mostly stress-free.

When deciding what to invest in, she wisely chose to free up her time of tasks that were not directly related to her nutritionist role and creation. So she invested in an assistant to help her part-time and then hired someone full-time when it made sense.

Here’s the way she approached money in her business:

1 – Because you never know how much money you’ll be getting from month to month, it can be hard to plan for paying others so she would strategize by estimating how much she needed to pay them for 12 months and set that money aside in a separate bank account. Putting value on those who help this way is a great idea.

2 – She solicited various vendors and gathered quotes whenever she had a project to get an idea of costs. It wasn’t about going with the cheapest price but knowing how much money was needed to get the project done. And also to sort out what funds were available for which projects and when.

3 – She makes sure to never be in debt and pay bills immediately.

4 – When a project costs more than is available, she saves up funds for it and starts the project when that money is available.

5 – Ultimately, what drives her business is not money but ensuring that she and her employees are happy. She has a “delete and forgive” policy for any customers who are especially difficult so that the business can flourish with the right kinds of people.

How to apply what you learn from courses

Meghan believes the biggest mistake people make is in thinking that they’re not ever ready and keep taking courses without applying what they learn. But it is so important to apply at least one lesson from any course you take and give back to others by putting what they learn out there with their own stamp on it.

She explains that it’s always best to be teaching to the edge of your knowledge to keep things fresh. Keep taking courses, reading, networking so that you can keep adding what you learn and not get bored. Remember that you will always be a step ahead of someone looking for the information you have.

Now that she’s crediting people through the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, Meghan is most excited about people going out and teaching what she teaches. She is committed to helping students develop businesses and be successful at it and hopefully to help them avoid some of the more expensive, foolish mistakes she made early on.

As she said, for her this is “the cherry on the coconut ice cream sundae”.

600 x 315 Training for life

I’m a proud affiliate of Meghan’s and I may earn a commission if you sign up for her training. I wouldn’t be recommending her work if I didn’t believe in its’ power to transform your health and business.

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Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

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