Today we’re talking about how to email your list without being annoying or spammy. This is the fourth video post in the list building tips series here at
We’ve been talking about how to build a list, by creating free opt-in goodies, and going over what an ecourse is and can do for your list…
So now that you’ve started building your email list, what happens next? If you’ve ever cringed when hitting the “send” button to email your list, then this video is for you!
How To Email Your List Without Being Spammy

Top Tips for How to Email Your List Ethically and with Confidence
The first and most important tip to e-mailing your list without feeling sleazy, is to shift your perspective away from being a spammer and towards being a value provider.
If you feel like you are providing value in your e-mail marketing, your audience will feel the same way (and vise versa!). This should not be confused with thinking that everyone already knows what you know, that’s why people have signed up to your e-mail list because they want to learn what you have to teach them.
This is more about being clear about the value that you’re providing in your e-mail communication.
Let people know how often you will be e-mailing them, and what they’re going to get. If you feel like you are e-mailing people about things that they didn’t sign up for, then you need to rectify that.
Look at e-mail newsletters that you enjoy reading on a regular basis. If there are people in your market or other markets that always get you to open their e-mails, then there’s something for you to learn and apply in your own e-mail marketing.
If you don’t know what your people need help with or would like to learn from you in your weekly or biweekly newsletter, ask them. Send out a survey, ask on twitter or Facebook, and get a feel for what people really want from you.
Don’t be afraid to switch it up. If people aren’t responding to a certain type of e-mail from you, it’s okay to change tracks and send out a different type of email. The maybe your audience loves to read, listen to you in audio format, or watch you on video.
Frequency: How Often Should I Email My List?
One of the reasons that you might be feeling like you’re bothering people might be because you think you’re emailing them too often.
If you let people know ahead of time how often you will be e-mailing them, you won’t feel like it’s a bother every time you e-mail them.
It also helps for you to assess whether you have enough content and value to share with people on a weekly basis, or if you would like to start out on a biweekly or monthly basis.
There is no hard and fast rule for how often you need to e-mail your list, you need to do what works for you and your audience.
What list building questions do you have?
I know you have lots of great ideas and suggestions for other people when it comes to providing value in their e-mail newsletters, and I’d love for you to leave a comment below to share with everyone.
And if you have any list building questions, I would love to answer those for you in the comments below.