You’re sold on the idea of using email marketing as part of your business plan, but now how do you build your list?
This video post is part of the free List Building Tips Series. Last time we looked at why it was important to build an email list to grow your online business.
Watch this week’s video training and find out exactly what strategies you need to use to build your list.
Build Your List Using Free Content

How to Build Your List
- Tune Into Your Audience: When it comes time to build your list of ideal customers and clients… it really helps when you know who your ideal customers and clients are. Make it easy for people to say “Yes, this is for me” by creating an opt-in freebie that really speaks their language.
- Ask Them What They Need: I’m currently working on a new opt-in freebie for my web site, and how did I come up with the idea for it? I listened to my customers to find out what they need help with. I’m going to use the same words they used to describe their problems, and you should too.
- Create Something Valuable: Don’t just throw together your least favorite tips… but really put your most valuable actionable tips together for your lead magnet. It helps to make it actionable, so people will get results if they follow your advice.
- Make It Digestible: Some people learn better via video, while others like to read, or listen when they’re working out. Consider converting your content to different digestible formats. Make the freebie tangible by showing a representation of it, so people know what to expect.
- Tell Them What’s Coming: Let them know your newsletter publishing schedule, so they know what else they get after they opt-in. Build your list for the long term, and you’ll have people sticking around to watch you and your business grow.
- Build Your List Using an Ecourse: The next video in this series is all about creating an email course that helps people over time. This is just another type of opt-in freebie, and you’ll need to be on the list yourself to find out how to create your own!
What opt-in freebies and lead magnets got you hooked?
It helps to look at what other people have created as their lead magnets and opt-in freebies. If it worked to get you on their list, maybe there’s something to be learned.
I’m not suggesting you copy other people’s content or ideas, but just see what you are called to. If video works for you, then your opt-in freebie could be a video too. If you’re more of a checklist person, then use that format.
Maybe it wasn’t the format that got you in, but rather the marketing or positioning of it. Learn from that.
What free content do you LOVE?
Leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite types of free content are… so that we can all inspire and learn from each other.