What Martin Luther King Can Teach You About Getting Raving Fans and More Buyers

You could learn a thing or two from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Not just about tolerance and changing the world, but about improving your business. To wit:

People don’t want just a solution. They want something to believe in.

TOMS Shoes aren’t popular because of the shoes themselves. They’re popular because they tell a story worth believing in.

Apple isn’t popular because of the functionality of its products. It’s because of the mystique, the culture, the story.

Martin Luther King didn’t lead a world-changing civil rights movement by having the best plan. He did it by having the most compelling dream, and by sharing his dream effectively.

If that’s not marketing, I don’t know what is!

How you can apply this to improving your business & getting more buyers

What’s your dream? What do you believe in? What do you care about?

Take that dream and apply it to your business. Make it your core marketing message.

You know features and benefits, right? Well, what about the benefits of the benefits?

For example, say your business is a dog walking service, and your dream is to travel the world with your family. You might say, “My dream is completely unrelated to my business,” but what about the benefits of the benefits?

“My dog walking service will help you have more time.”

So what?

“Having more time will help you do more of what you love.”

Be more specific!

“Having more time will let you spend more quality time with your family.”

There you go! Now that’s something worth believing in.

Having a business worth believing in creates raving fans and more buyers

A dog walking service isn’t worth talking about. But a movement is.

If your dog walking service is in service of a grand goal, like helping more humans and dogs be happy and healthy — even if it’s just a small piece of that grand goal — people will talk about it.

People will do your marketing for you, because something worth believing in is worth talking about.

And when they make a buying decision, they’ll choose to do business with you, because you stand for something worth supporting.

Having a business worth believing in changes the world

Changing the world doesn’t always require a strong leader like Dr. King. Sometimes the world is changed by thousands of voices, each singing a different song, creating a beautiful harmony.

Sometimes the world is changed by thousands of small business owners, each doing their own small part, each creating something worth believing in and backing up those promises.

What are you creating that’s worth believing in?

And what can you do, today, to communicate that dream to the people who need to hear it?

Is your writing falling flat? Maybe you’re not communicating your dream effectively. We’ve got a free course for you called The 6 Steps to World-Changing Writing. In 6 fun and informative video lessons, you’ll learn how to make your writing inspire others to action!

Pace SmithPace Smith is the co-leader of the Connection Revolution, where she helps dreamers change the world through connection. She speaks, writes, and teaches workshops to foster understanding, healing, empowerment, authentic communication, and personal growth. She’s happily married to Kyeli, her partner in life and in business. She loves to play Dance Dance Revolution and carries a spare spleen with her everywhere she goes.

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

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Photo of Nathalie smiling