Scalable Business Design Sprints

If you find that you often…

  • Get overwhelmed by your over-scheduled calendar
  • Want to spend more time off your phone and outside with your family
  • Want more money and free time to pursue all of your passions

I can help you streamline your business so it is scalable.

Nathalie Lussier photo

It’s Possible to Grow Your Business Intentionally Without Sacrificing What Matters To You

We’ve all been told that we need to scale our businesses a certain way.

We’ve watched it work for other business owners and also seen how it can lead to unsustainable side effects like burnout and stress… or shuttered businesses.

The good news is that it’s possible to scale on your terms, in a sustainable way.

If you’d like my help designing the systems and structure that will get you there, I’d be honored to work with you.

I’m the founder of AccessAlly, a WordPress plugin that helps people sell and deliver online offerings. I also have two kids and operate a small regenerative farm.

So I have a very limited capacity for 1-on-1 clients. That’s why I decided to offer personalized consulting in a sprint format.

How Scalable Business Design Sprints Work

This is a short 2-month engagement where you’ll get my focused energy on your business.

We’ll start with a 1-hour kick-off call and have a second 1-hour call mid-way through our time together.

In between calls, you’ll have email access to help you keep moving forward.

I will share what I’ve learned over the years with a consulting lens. That includes all of the strategies, systems, and ideas to help you reach your holistic growth goals.

But I also know that your business is your own and what works for one person may not work for another. I will never force my views or ways of doing things on you, you will always stay in the driver’s seat. 

What Scaling Experience Do I Bring to the Table?

I’ve been running my own business since 2009, and over the years I’ve experimented with many different business delivery models including:

  • Freelancing & agency work
  • Coaching and consulting
  • A course business
  • A membership business
  • Live events
  • Masterminds
  • Software-as-a-service

Today I run a 7-figure Software-as-a-Service business called AccessAlly.

I can advise you on shifting your existing business model to be more scalable.

We can look at what type of support you might want to bring into your business, from team members to systems and processes to help you spend less time stuck in the weeds.

I bring considerable tech and automation experience to this work, so there’s no need for our conversations to stay high-level if you need help getting the details right.

My Realistic Guarantee

I am not going to promise you instant results and fast business growth because we both know there are a lot of variables involved in any initiative.

I don’t offer refunds on consulting packages. Please don’t purchase unless you’re sure that we’ll be a good match and that this type of work is what you need to focus on right now.

I do guarantee that I will take our work together to heart and bring all of my experience to the table to help you reach your goals.

If there’s a connection I can help you make, a blind spot I can help you see, or a strategy that will get you scaling on your terms, I’ll share it. I understand the trepidation that comes with any investment in your business, and I honor the relationship we’re building.

The Investment

The Scalable Business Design Sprint is a $2,500 investment. 

After you complete the order form, you’ll be taken to a scheduler to book your first call. I’ll start preparing for our time together over the next 2 months, to help you scale on your terms.

Book Your Sprint

What people are saying about me and my work

Photo of Laura Belgrey

“A Gifted Model and Mentor.

Nathalie is that rare creature who’s both genuinely super-nice, and laser-sharp with business and sales.

She’s a gifted model and mentor for anyone who feels “icky” about selling. When it comes to online business marketing, and what makes people say “yes,” she always has the answer. She’s pure genius.”

– Laura Belgray,

Photo of Nisha Moodley

“Delivers Laser Focused Insights on Strategies for Growth.

Nathalie is a brilliant business mind. She has an incredible knack for gathering all the necessary information, then delivering laser-focused insights on exactly the right strategy required for growth.

Best of all, she gives clear direction on how to integrate the necessary steps, so you know exactly what to do AND how to do it. Genius.”

– Nisha Moodley,

Photo of Marie Forleo

“Nathalie is such a natural leader.

She’s committed to always bringing her best to everything she does. Nathalie’s ability to answer tough technical questions when it comes to launches, web sites, and analytics is remarkable.

Nathalie was a guest lecturer for our B-school program, where she taught students how to create their own web sites, set up an email list, and track their results. She went above and beyond to take care of our students by answering questions, and making sure everyone was taken care of. The feedback we got about Nathalie’s training is that she makes online business and technology easy and doable.

Nathalie knows her stuff, and I’m happy to have her as a guest teacher and trainer.”

– Marie Forleo,

Ishita Gupta

“Nathalie Lussier is the real deal in online strategy.

She combines serious business acumen with an ability to disarm you and focus directly on your needs. Her tech videos have given me the relief and insights to move forward in my business.

Often, the behind the scenes of building a business can deplete you – Nathalie shows you how to focus on what matters, learn only what you need to know, and gives you the training to take yourself from exhausted to productive.

Her training is unmatched because she’s a business owner herself. She intuitively knows the psyche, needs, and goals of the entrepreneur. I highly recommend working with her if you want to play a bigger game in your business.”

– Ishita Gupta,

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Photo of Nathalie smiling