Today, I’m talking about the power of talking to inanimate objects, to help you solve problems in your business.
Let me start with a quick definition of a software engineering practice called “rubber duck debugging”. Don’t worry, you can benefit from “rubber ducking” even if you’re not a programmer!
Rubber Ducking and How It Works

How To Solve Business Problems Using Programming Tricks
As a programmer, you’re so focused on your code and when you run into an issue you can’t always figure out what’s causing it because you’re too close to it.
Sound familiar? We do that all the time as business owners too!
But one common way to resolve a problem in your code is to explain what it’s supposed to do, and what it’s currently doing now.
This practice usually helps you spot discrepancies and find solutions, just by talking things out and bringing a new awareness to things.
In fact, programmers explaining their code to non-programmers works just as well as talking about it with another coder.
That’s where the concept of talking to a duck took root.
You can pick your own animal, figurine, or teddy bear, but the most important thing is to practice talking things through until you gain some new insights.
The way you’d explain something to a rubber ducky is totally different, and can dislodge your attachment to how things “need to be” in your code or business.
Einstein said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
This simple practice of talking to an inanimate object, business friend, or coach is usually enough to solve big issues and shift the way you do things.
The trick is remembering to take a step back and tap into this different perspective.
Step Back And Get A Different Perspective
When I’m programming, I sometimes find myself “waking up” from trying to solve something for more than an hour only to realize that if I had just taken a step back and talked it out, I could have found another way to solve it faster.
One way to ensure you talk to your duck (or cat) on a regular basis for your overall business direction is to schedule it into your week.
You can meet with a real life coach, mentor, or mastermind buddy. Or just set time aside to journal or explain your worries to your duck.
This practice might sound strange, but I challenge you to use it the next time you’re stuck trying to make a business decision, solve a problem, or get rid of a bug!
How do you solve problems in your business?
Leave a comment below and let me know if you’ve ever spoken to someone and found your own answer after explaining the situation.
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