New Dork + New York = New Nathalie

I feel like fall time is the perfect time for re-invetion. Making lots of changes. Big ones.

This is my new site, and as I like to call it the new inner sanctum of the entire operation. (That’s a Get Smart reference, yep yep.)

So what’s my new equation? It’s about integration, and bringing my geeky self into everything I do.

New Dork + New York = New Me

I’m taking my programming skills, getting my butt to New York for a week-end, and getting ready to take this business to a whole new level and audience.

Being my Geek Girl “New Dork” Self

I remember growing up and thinking that nerds, geeks, and dorks had so much potential. I went into Software Engineering because I loved computers and I wanted to write code that changed lives.

Now I’m finally doing that with my Magick Menu software.

Here’s a fun video about the change in status and perception that geeks are enjoying these days.

Winning A Ticket to RHH Live in New York

A few weeks ago I entered a contest organized by Marie Forleo – one of my marketing and business mentors. She was giving away a ticket + hotel + limo service to her Rich, Happy, and Hot Live Event in November.

And guess what? I won! I am so super stoked and excited to be going to New York to hang out with Marie, Laura Roeder, Kris Carr, Danielle LaPorte, and tons of other women entrepreneurs!

It All Adds Up

All of these changes taking place are bringing me to a whole new level in business and life. Are you coming along for the ride? ;)

Photo of Nathalie smiling

Hi, I’m Nathalie! In the past two decades of my digital career, I’ve been a web designer, a business strategist, and a startup founder.

After exiting my software company, I took a sabbatical.

Now I’m a regenerative farmer working on writing my first fiction series. 

Digital + physical books to help you create and sell your course like a pro:

Pre-Sell Your Online Course and Course Idea Planner Book Covers

I remember a time when we could discover an amazing new website from a link on another website.

Here’s my attempt to make that kind of magic happen again:

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling