Get In Touch

We’ve put together a comprehensive and easy-to-search database of answers to our most commonly asked questions.

Photo of Nathalie in front of a brick wall

Nathalie is currently taking a sabbatical and not accepting guest podcast invites or collaboration requests.

To get in touch, you can connect on LinkedIn, Facebook, or through her Substack publication.

FAQs About Nathalie

Where do you live?

I currently live in Ontario, Canada with my family.

Are you still doing raw foods?

I started my entrepreneurial career as the Raw Foods Witch. As I was launching and growing the Raw Foods Witch community I was receiving a steady stream of people asking me if I could help them with their websites, teach them how to increase their traffic and help them launch their own online program. As a result, Nathalie Lussier Media Inc. was born.

I’m no longer a raw foodist and focus on eating in a sustainable and local way, through our farm.

Working with Nathalie

Can I interview you for my site/blog?

I’m not currently doing interviews, thanks for asking though!

Do you take guest posts?

We do not accept guest posts on because the site is built around my voice and brand. We noticed that posts written by guest bloggers didn’t get the same level of engagement, so we wouldn’t be doing our guest writers a favor by posting their content. If we decide to change our policy, we’ll let you know on this page!

Do you do reviews?

Nathalie is always on the look out for new products and services that would make her readers’ life easier. She may take a look at your offering, but she doesn’t do reviews unless it’s something that she uses and loves herself, as you can understand.

Would you consider participating in my launch?

Nathalie isn’t able to partner in any upcoming launches or promotions.


Why is WordPress the best tool to build websites?

The benefits of using WordPress for your website are unlimited, but just a few to consider are:

WordPress is an open-source software, meaning it is free to download and install to use as a basis for your content management system. New features and functionality are being released daily, not to mention the SEO benefits of this platform.

You no longer have to send simple changes in your content to your designer or developer to update for you. You have the ability to make these changes at your fingertips.

With the use of plugins you are able to add additional features and functionality to your site for little to no cost without having this functionality custom built for your site.

What email program do you think is best?

There are many great email programs on the market. I’ve personally used a number of them and have reviewed them all on the Recommended Online Business Resources page.

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Get my insights and stories without the influence of a social media algorithm.

Photo of Nathalie smiling